All about Bfriends
Bfriends – Friends of Birmingham Children’s Trust – is the connected charity of Birmingham Children’s Trust
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Become a friend
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Our priorities
Bfriends Charity has developed three main priorities that align with the Trust’s Business Plan
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Friends of Birmingham Children's Trust

Bfriends Friends of Birmingham Children’s Trust charity was officially established through the charity commission on the 29th November 2021 as an independent charity developed and designed by children in care and care leavers with city partners and Birmingham Children’s Trust.

Bfriends works closely in partnership with Birmingham Children’s Trust gaining a close understanding of the additional things that children known to the trust need.

This could be access to sporting and wellbeing programmes, access to employment opportunities, support moving into independent living.

Essentially Bfriends ensures it is aware of all the additional things that would support the lives of children to give them opportunities and experiences that their peers may have access to or experienced in life.

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